Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Pan Fried Cheesy Tempeh

Most animal-eaters have never heard of tempeh, a fermented soy product originating in Indonesia. Heck, half of the cruelty-free-eaters I meet haven't even tried tempeh. It's a bit of an acquired taste, a mashed-together block of soy and grain. Packed with protein and fiber (nearly your entire DV of protein and about half your DV of fiber for the entire block). I prefer the Westsoy brand, as I find it a little sweeter and it seems to retain moisture better.

I usually pan-fry my tempeh dishes. For this one, I warmed a sauteing pan, added olive oil and balsamic vinegar, and then dropped in the cubed tempeh. The balsamic vinegar keeps the tempeh moist, adds a nice punch of tart-sweetness, and gives you flavor without all the sodium. Be forewarned... the balsamic vinegar smells a little raunchy when heated, so just get over it. I promise, the 5-10 minutes of questionable aromas is not indicative of the deliciousness at the end of the rainbow. Saute until browned, at least. I like to blacken my tempeh a bit, so be prepared to cook it 10-15 minutes for that crispy, rich tempeh. Towards the end of sautéing, add a bit of garlic salt. Not too early, or you'll wind up with burnt garlic that smells worse than the balsamic vinegar. Serve the tempeh into a microwavable bowl, layering vegan cheese slices as you go. Microwave it all until the cheese melts a bit and... voila, a scrumptious bowl of protein and fiber that will keep you full all night.

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